Mental Health Insights and Resources
Know Your Worth Blog

Expert Advice on Therapy, Wellness, and Personal Growth

Supporting and Unpacking ADHD in Girls and Women
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Supporting and Unpacking ADHD in Girls and Women

Over the years, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have been common phrases heard in different circles. Since the late 80’s, ADD was replaced with ADHD in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (a professional work published by the American Psychiatric Association classifying mental health conditions). Fast forward to the current day, and the DSM lists three different kinds of diagnosis for ADHD: primarily hyperactive and impulsive, primarily inattentive, and combined type.

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Finding Your Footing
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Finding Your Footing

What signals in your body, emotions, mind, or spirit help you understand when you find yourself out of step? Confusion, dissociation, emptiness, fatigue, irritability, intrusive thoughts, numbing, stomach pains, tight muscles, overwhelm, panic attacks, etc. provide crucial information about you. Take a moment to assess what happens to you.

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Mirror, Mirror!
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Mirror, Mirror!

Body image messages are everywhere, which in turn causes some to question their self-esteem and value. Social media sets up constant chatter and provides an easy upload to capture the “perfect” picture. If a person feels dissatisfied with an image, there is a way to color correct, embellish, modify, or tuck away. Swimming in a sea of social media images, people often pop from a post about a family member, AD, or pictures of friends and peers.

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Finding Your Edges: Beautiful Boundaries
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Finding Your Edges: Beautiful Boundaries

Just as physical boundaries are present to create structure and safety for homes, buildings, and roadways, personal boundaries support emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Take a moment to review the boundaries in your life! If you reevaluate some of your relationships, expect tension to surface. After all, it might be the first-time you are becoming aware, changing personal behaviors, standing up for yourself, and even challenging dysfunction.

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