Got Self-Care?

As you gain momentum with the New Year, finding a routine is hard enough!  If you are juggling numerous responsibilities and supporting others, giving yourself a few moments of self-care may seem impractical and impossible. Without taking time out, the risk of burn-out increases though. Being present with yourself provides a space for introspection and expression, which in turn allows for a healthier, wiser version of you to show up. Also, when you experience difficulty, there is great value in knowing what grounds and strengthens you. Self-awareness is empowering and life-giving!

Self-care is not meant to be a one-time fix either but rather an on-going experience. Every season of life is different, so one period of your life may look completely opposite compared to another. Over a person’s lifespan, their needs and expectations change. Evaluate what you are currently after from a self-care experience. What part of your life needs support? Lean in and listen to yourself!

Then, to keep everything moving, commit or renew yourself to self-care. Let a trusted person know about your plan, so there is accountability too. By showing up for yourself, you embody self-respect and self-worth. Although other people and areas are important, you will be a better steward of your life, if you are true to yourself and personal needs.

Finally, start a list for yourself! Write down what you enjoy now and everything you are interested in trying out. Do not hold back! This is an invitation to step up your game and put everything down. Take a leap! In the meantime, look at KYW’s starter list to stir your ideas.

Self-Care Ideas

  • Start the declutter process in your home or office space.

  • Digital detox-unplug for several hours or days.

  • Find a local way to give back by dropping off items or volunteering your time in a meaningful way.

  • Breathe-consider 4-7-8 breathing method.

  • Practice gratefulness alone or say out loud to loved ones. Soak up the glimmers!

  • Journal/write a letter to yourself or someone you need to express more to.

  • Say no to someone or something you need to move on from.

  • Look at old pictures and save the special ones to keep out or frame for later.

  • Indulge in beauty hunting! Look around…what are you missing out on?  

  • Find a park and swing to your heart’s content. For extra fun, take a friend or kiddo that just gets it!

  • Pull out your favorite songs and sing or hum as soft or loud as you need in the moment.

  • Let go of the need to control someone or something-let them be, let it be!

  • Notice any ALL or NOTHING thinking in your decision making.  Frame everything in a different way!

  • Grab a puzzle!

  • Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate!

  • Dance around with or without music. If you so desire, invite a partner to join.  

  • Look for inspirational podcasts in areas of interest, growth, and development.

  • Practice NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

  • Break out the art supplies and color, craft, or paint in the quiet or with your favorite friend or kiddo!

  • Step-out and take a walk alone or with a loved one!

  • Consider daily/weekly stretches.   

  • Awaken your senses with a warm cup of coffee or tea, and then sit down to savor the moment.

  • Find some sunlight and close your eyes.  

  • Read fiction or non-fiction to dive into a different world or a better understanding.  

  • Check-in with yourself and review the emotions wheel to see where you are today.

  • Notice where your body holds the most tension. What does your body need from you?

  • Make your medical or mental health appts. to check-in with your providers for more support.

  • Try out a new or the same Yoga or Pilates.

  • Incorporate martial arts into your routine.

  • Combine one or more options for optimal levels of care and support of self!

For more resources or support, connect with one of our therapists at Know Your Worth Counseling and Wellness

Self-Care Journal Questions

What do you need on your self-care list?

When will you commit or recommit to self-care?

Who needs to be involved in your self-care journey?

Where are your resources?

Why cultivate self-care in your life now?





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